pop culture, pittsburgh, and potpouri

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pittsburgh's Getting a Six PACK!!!!!

When in the course of human events a situation arises that carries with it such importance and great weight that we find a whole city of people lose their collective shit and and proceed to transform their emotional state into an ecstatic euphoria, the world and the nation should take time to pause and appreciate it. No, I am not talking about the inauguration of the first African American president, I am talking about that historic event of the Pittsburgh Steelers becomg AFC champions and having a chance to with their sixth Superbowl title. The Six Pack.

Yes the Stillers have won the AFC Championship game against the dirty bird Baltimore Ravens giving them a Superbowl birth. For a city that lives and breathes Steeler football, words cannot describe what we feel in this momentous occasion. Only us as Yinzers know what it is like. It is what binds us together as habitants of the 412 area code. You cannot explain it, only live it, and every Pittsburgher knows the emotion all to well. What we are feeling right now, post game, is almost more excitement and pride than what we will feel the day of the Superbowl or even after a Superbowl win. That is just the way it is when the whole mood and outlook of a city rests on the shoulders of a football team.

The next couple weeks will be insane in Pittsburgh with WDVE and the local press playing really bad Steeler fight songs and Black and Gold chants. The city will be broken down into its most pure Yinzer concentrated form. Just when we will not be able to take anymore of the frenzy, Superbowl Sunday will come and we will be reminded of why we wouldn't rather live in any other city. Thank you Steelers for allowing us all to experience something that Philadelphia, Cincinnati, and Detroit could only dream of experiencing. Thank you Steelers for making Monday alot more easy to deal with!!!!!

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